- FAMOUS - Well known or widely known
- I am FAMOUS - I am well known or I am widely known
- NICHOLAS is quite famous recently - Nicholas is quite well known or Nicholas is quite widely known recently
Gosh....I don't know where to start this. I felt like I am in the middle of no where to start my engine to blog. Since my Philippine working trip started, I had no time for blogging (as most bloggers know blogging EATS time). I went travelling ...working...and of course I went to a place call Templer's Park with a bunch of monkeys after my Philippine trip. For your information, Templer's Park is a park full with waterfalls in RAWANG. (If you still don't know, go google, don't ask me)
These bunch of MONKEYS are formed by some well known people :
KEN LEE, Chen Wan + Chen Wan's Girl Friend,Sia Ling, Kheng Teck, Tze Wei, Ker Chien, Chen Jie + Chen Jie's Girl Friend.....
If you know them, they are not KIDS and they still act like one...(gosh...no eye see)
What did we do there??? PLAY WATER and EAT la of course !!!!!
ABO (Else - Hokkien)? PUT KITE meh???!!!!!!!
Few of us jumped into the water and play while others shoot photos here and there....
Some of the photos are great...while some can make you FAMOUS !!!!!
Below are one of the FAMOUS/RECENT HOT TOPIC picture ......
TADA !!!! HE IS THE FAMOUS 出水芙蓉先生-MR WATER LOTUS!To be honest, I don't know who he is. Yet everyone started to guess he is me....Hei people, he is not me ! I need to clarify !!!!!!! Those bunch of monkeys started to gossip about this MR..dunno what and link me with him !It sucks when you are wearing white POLO shirt walking smartly in KLCC park and those people started to imagine your white POLO shirt is soaked with water (in short - it shows ur TITTS in public) !!!! It did not make me feel proud...but humiliated instead. It just make me felt like I am one of the CLOWN in town !
JUST LIKE THIS! Blog that made me famous : 离尘不离城
Ps: Read the comments if you are as free as the MONKEYS