I had been the supporter since the day I become the SLAVE for the country.
Why say so?
- I contributed part of my pay cheque to Dato LDP even though I barely have enough for my own.
- I love Dato' LDP so much until I line a terrible Queue every morning and night just to pay Dato'
- I still use it even though Dato' tried to STOP me from seeing him by increasing 60% of the PASS BY fees from Rm1 to Rm1.60 per trip. (Personally I think Dato' LDP earn more than the BIG EAR HOLE or so call LOAN SHARK)
It is about how Dato' gave me back in return for my 3 years contribution to him NON STOP !
Highlight 1:
See this??!! Encik Loh Seng Kok billboard near Sunway.....HIS SHADED FACE !!!!! I guess he forgot to pay Dato' LDP RM1.60 and Dato' LDP just asked some GANGSTER to SHADE his handsome face. I think En Loh sure scare till his pants drop now!!!.....eeeee.....(so the moral of the story is....never OWE Dato' LDP money and remember to PAY RM1.60) Very scary laaaa....Dato' I will pay you...pls don't ask ppl to shade my face !!!!
Who is Kelly Tan E li?? Is this an advertisement or what? This poster is on the LDP near Yamaha building/ Kelana Jaya. Wonder who is that SO HAI doing that. As if no one know he is PROPOSING his love to some un-known women call Kelly Tan E Li. I am wondering whether he is one of the relative of Dato' LDP since he is allowed to put that kinda jerk thing for sometime on that billboard. Well, it will be more GENG if the Kelly change to something like KENT/KENNY/etc.....wahaha...then it will really make some HOT TOPIC IN TOWN !!!!
Guess what? Humours does happen on LDP....so it is not worthless if Dato' LDP asked for another raise in the near future !!!!!!!!
Long Live DATO' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So hai!!!!!
HAHAHAHHA... Why you so bad call ppl so hai!!!!!!!!
Ya ma...not meh?
See his nerd nerd look...like so hai !!!!
So high profile....
Anyway...if he managed to get the KELLY...I would like to suggest him to put her face out also !!!
so Hai ...
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