Dear All READERS: None of the below are true......just some sharing from fwd mail I received.....(Hope won't kena lockup by ISA) Pak Lah: This is the last meeting we are going to have before I make my
decision on who our candidates are. First of all, I would like to thank Keng
Yaik and Affendi for voluntarily backing out. You are truly gentlemen.
Anyone else wants to back out? Think of the party, not of yourself.
Najib: I think Samy should back out la.
Samy: Apa pasai? Why you think I should back out? Why not you?
Najib: You are a liability to MIC and BN la Samy, accept it la.
Samy: What do you mean liability? Give me proof?
Hisham: Ayo Samy, our intelligence report say, we will lose almost 100% of
Indian votes if you still lead MIC. If you get lost, maybe we can bring it
down to 60%.
Samy: Pakla, don't listen to this two young punks la. Let me read this
report just sent to me. *After extensive intelligence gathering, we find
that 20% of the Indians hated Samy Velu. *Ha, only 20% la, where got 100%?
Nazri: Hey Samy I also got the same report la. Why don't you continue?
Samy: Okay, I'll continue, *40% cannot stand to see his face and 35% will
kill him if they were to meet him. 5% believe that he is a good leader.
I still got 5% what?
Pak Lah: Come on la Samy, you've been around for a long time already; you
have made your money. You are even richer than me, so back out la. Think of
the party la Samy.
Samy: Yes, I am richer than you but Najib, 2 deals only is already richer
than me, why not ask him also to go? His submarine and Sukhoi and Altantunya
also make him a liability what.
Pak Lah: I know that one, but he is from UMNO, that is the difference.
Malays will accept corrupt Malay leaders, as long as they potong, its okay.
Samy: Oh, kalu chunik potong kalu, berapa banyak rasuah pun takpa ka?
adil ini macam Pakla?
Najib: That is the way it is in this country Samy. We all from UMNO got
immunity, you people, tadak potong punya, don't.
Samy: No, saya akan tetap bertanding.
Kayveas: Adei Samy, listen to them la, what they say is true la. Don't talk
about justice all la, as if you are concerned about justice. This is not the
place to be talking about justice la old man. We want to win. If that means
you will be dropped then so be it.
Samy: Dei Kayveas, you just shut up la. You budak lagi la, you apa tau?
you want to be champions of the Indians ka? If I am forced to back out, I
make sure you go down with me. Hey, Mahathir also cannot force me out la.
Kayveas: Tengok Pakla, tadak guna punya Hindu. Think of himself only.
shoot him la Pakla, don't give chance. Najib, itu C4 lagi ada ka? Mari kita
sekarang taroh itu C4 sama dia. Cilaka punya orang.
Keng Yaik: Samy ah, enough la. So long already you in the cabinet. You want
to stay until you die ka? What you think they will bury you in the Makam
Pahlawan ka? Every time people curse you la. Now even your own race cannot
stand you, give up la Samy. Come join me la. We all retire. After all, we
are not sure if we are going to win this time around. BN also not sure going
to win or not.
Pak Lah: What are you talking about Kheng Yaik? Why you say like that?
jaga lu punya mulut ah Apek.
Keng Yaik:No la Pak Lah, If everyone wants to deny us 2/3 majority, then all
of them would not vote us la. We may lose more than just 1/3 la. Haiya, that
one also cannot see ah?
Pak Lah: Maybe the Chinese or Indians la Keng Yaik, not the Malays la.
Malays love UMNO.
Keng Yaik: Are you sure ah Pak Lah? Now even the Chinese and Indians are
willing to vote PAS if it is the only opposition available to them, don't
you think that there would be Malays willing to vote DAP? Don't be foolish
la Pak Lah. Until now still cannot get Kelantan despite all the dirty
tricks. Who are majority voters in Kelantan? Malys la, some more what.
Pak Lah: Betoi ka dia kata tu Najib?
Najib: Jangan dengar cakap orang tua penyembur tu la Pak lah. Orang Melayu
takkan lupa UMNO punya. Orang Melayu rela mati untuk UMNO
Nazri: Ntah la, ada lojik jugak cakap Keng Yaik tu. Memang la orang Melayu
rela mati untuk UMNO tapi rela ka dia mati untuk kita?
Pak Lah: Apa yang orang Melayu tak puaih hati lagi dengan kita? Kita bagi
macam-macam kat depa, apa lagi dia mau?
Kah Ting: Lu mau tau ka? Dia olang tengok sumua itu UMNO punya olang besar
manyak kaya. Bikin lumah banyak besar. Keleta 4, 5, sumua mahal-mahal punya.
Dulu punya Melayu punya UMNO punya olang tak buat itu macam. Kalau dia kaya
pun, dia tak tunjuk sama olang. Sekalang punya UMNO punya olang manyak
sombong oh. Dia kaya, dia selalu tunjuk. Dia tak takot punya. Itu olang
Melayu biasa tak suka la ini macam punya sombong punya olang.
Nazri: Apa, salah ka dia beli rumah besar dan kereta besar? Apa orang Cina
saja ka buleh beli rumah besar. Pak Lah, letak Kah Ting kat Tanjong tengok.
Jom kita tengok orang Cina suka kat dia ka tak?
Keng Yaik: Tak salah, tapi baru 2, 3 hari jadi menteri sudah kaya ka?
punya gaji berapa? Dulu jaga gate keretapi sekarang boleh bikin Istana,
orang tak heran ka la Pak Lah? Your weakness ah, is that you think the
Malays are stupid. They are not la Pak Lah. Many have opened their eyes la.
Many are not ignorant anymore.
Pak Lah: Alah, kalau kalah pun, kalah sikit saja.
Keng Yaik: Sorry ha Pak Lah if I say something. You have been sleeping too
much, you have lost touch with reality.
Pak Lah: I think ah Keng Yaik, you don't resign la. This year you stand in
Permatang Pauh, mau ka?
Samy: Pak Lah, saya macam mana?
Pak Lah: Meeting adjourn la, semua balik dulu. Saya mengantok ni. Nanti lain
kali la.